Sidorenko - haute cuisine restaurant at:
Markusstraße 5, 09130 Chemnitz, Германия.
The main goal is to create a restaurant logo. It should be made in a minimalistic, simple style
to emphasize the high class of the institution. The logo itself symbolizes the lightness and refinement
of the lines, as well as the naturalness and naturalness of both the products and the atmosphere
of the restaurant. In a metaphorical sense, Sidorenko is the root of haute cuisine, which, like a blooming sprout, gives birth to something new and alive.
In addition, a logo was created for an additional area of activity of Sidorenko restaurant - delivery of sushi and Dragon Roll\rolls. The customer suggested using the stylization of the popular animated series
"The Jellies" as a basis and linking it with the concept of Dragon Roll.